Monday, August 13, 2012

First Visit with the Surgeon

Tomorrow is my first visit with the surgeon.  Jason has been in Texas and I have almost decided not to do the surgery.  Then I look back on all the struggles I have had with being over weight.  I almost cancelled my surgeons appointment.  I went back to the support group at and I have convinced myself again that this is the absolute right thing for me and I am excited to get going on the weight loss. 

I don't know how Kimber is going to react when I tell her that I am for sure going on with the surgery, but I will talk to her about it soon.  I am so excited about the things that this surgery can do for me.  Mostly having a baby!  I am just tied up in knots over this visit. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I am going crazy!

Jason has been in Austin for only a few days and I already miss him like crazy!  It's weird how you get so used to being with someone that when they aren't there its like something is missing.  It's good that we have been married for 11 years and I still miss him like crazy when he isn't here.  I'm going to bed. Work is killing me!  School starts in a few weeks and I'm stressing bad about that! 

Monday, August 6, 2012

My so called crazy life!

Well the last couple of weeks have been busy!  We work all day and half the night then get up and do it all over again.  We had to let one lady go the first week Kimber was in charge because we had had several complaints about her not paying attention to the children and about her not being responsive to parent instructions etc.  We had an employee a few months ago that went to the doctor and never called nor came back.  Almost a week later she called Jeanne and asked if she could come by and talk and when she did Jeanne hired her back.  This was without consulting Kimber or I. 

When they laid Jeanne off this girl started her business all over again.  She kept calling in for this reason or that reason and there was always an excuse.  Last week on Thursday Jackie left her phone in the playroom and a child got it and was playing with it.  I guess his mom has an iphone because he had it on and was moving things around.  I took it from him and looked at it and it was a message between Jackie and Christina (The one who called in a lot)  They were talking about what a bitch I am and yadda yadda yadda.  Anyway, Christina said, "That snotty bitch has never liked me anyway."  They talked about pretty much everyone but specifically me.  Why?  I have never been the target of this type of thing before.  I'm 28 and this is the first??  Probably not, but for sure the first I have ever known about.  Anyway, so we had this problem with Christina calling off and the boss said the next time she called off she was fired.  Low and behold, Friday she called off.  She was fired of course. At the end of the day on Friday we got a call and I answered.  Christina was on the phone asking why she was fired and saying that it wasn't fair and the she knows I was the cause of her getting fired.  I told her that I honestly didn't have anything to do with it, she did it on her own. 

She got off the phone and then tonight, Tori my niece who is 15 sends her a message on facebook about how she wants to be friends and why she called me a bitch, well Christina goes off about how I should get a life and blah blah.  Why should I get a life?  I didn't even know about this until it was done.  Then again I ask myself, why would I let a 20 year old get to me?