Monday, July 16, 2012


Okay so on top of the decisions I have had to make with my health and in my personal life, now work drama enters stage left.  We have been having serious financial problems.  We have lost some children due to the economy and then we had to lay people off.  During the actual academic preschool year our enrollment picks up and we don't have quite as much trouble making payroll.  Then we start having trouble with not having any help and then she hired some people.  Well enter this summer and it started getting really bad.  January and February were already bad then when summer came we started laying off more and more people.  So today we got the official word that Jeanne (our director) is being laid off effective at the end of August.  This is huge not only because I am third in command, but also because as far as we know they aren't planning on hiring anyone to replace her.  This means that it will be Kimber and I running the place while also managing our classrooms.  This means even longer days than I've been putting in.  It means that we will either ultimately be responsible for the day to day operations as well as hiring and firing, or it will mean that we will be responsible for all the mundane work, but will still have to go to someone for any decisions.  In the first case it will be hard to get everything done and will probably mean 12 hour days, but the second isn't any better because I know how the program should run and so does Kimber, and having to go to someone from the church would be frustrating because they have no idea how things should be going.  We do. 

Another unknown is what is going to happen with Jeanne when she comes back tomorrow.  She is the decision maker in the facility and now she has been told that her time with us is limited and she is going to be checked out.  She is going to want to collect her paycheck but she is not going to want to have anything to do with the operation aspect of it.  I feel bad for Kimber.  She is friends with Jeanne and she is going to lose her.  She might stay in contact with her but the reason they became friends will be gone so their contact will become more and more sparse.  I have worked under Jeanne for six years and I have learned a lot. As far as actually liking her. I did to a certain extent, but over the past few years we have gotten this sort of love hate thing going on.  I have a very good attendance record.  I only miss when I am REALLY sick and that is rarely.  I also stay late and come in early without asking and all this is without over time because I'm on salary.  However, once she wrote me up for something that turned out to be a series of unfortunate events.  It was the back door (playground) was left unlocked.  That was because the door was broken and I had made the report several times and nothing was ever done.  Then the grey preschool door was unlocked and a homeless person had gotten in and spent the night in the infant room on a cot (ewww) but it was because it was a Wednesday and I had been told NOT to lock it on Wednesdays because the choir practices that day and it turned out to be cancelled which I didn't know.  So it turned out that my write up was noted on that there were explainable reasons and she wrote it on the paper, but still put it in my file. 

So I don't know whats going to happen.  No one else even knows what is going on.  I can't talk to them about it.  Even when they do find out I have to be professonal and can't speculate about what is going to happen.  I just wish I knew what was going to happen.

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