Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Come on Vacation!!

This is a short week for me but somehow it has ended up being the longest!  It's only Tuesday.  I am so sleepy today and I'm ready for something in my life to change, but I am cautious about saying that because every time I say that something bad happens and I wish things would just go back to the way they were before I wished it. 

I am ready to be in the middle of nowhere and sleep on the ground for a week.  I know I know, how weird am I?  Part of me wishes that I had decided to just take my vacation and stay home for a week, but the other part of me knows that it's a chance for Jason and I to get together and connect.  We don't get opportunities like that very often.  Last year was Myrtle Beach and then Ft. Meyers Beach in FL.  We got lucky with two vacations.  This year I am only taking 1. 

Well my lunch break at work is over so I had better get back before they send a search party.  Its time for our daily teacher's meeting.

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