Sunday, July 8, 2012

Bariatric Surgery

I went to the meeting about my surgery.  It was very informative.  At some point between the last time I posted and now I had decided that it wasn't worth going through surgery to lose weight.  I decided that I was going to take control of my eating habits and do this on my own.  I did for a few weeks and lost .5 lbs.  I started walking everyday (which I will continue to do) and began to at least feel better.  After going to the meeting.  The team at Winchester Bariatric Center told us tons of information about the biology of weight loss.  He explained why it's getting harder and harder for Americans to lose weight.  He also explained the steps in the process that we would under go if we decided to go forward with the weight loss.  He invited a former patient to speak to us who had surgery 18 months ago.  She is down almost a whole person!  She was in her 60's as well.  He said that the pain of recovery is comparable to doing a ton of sit ups after you've been out of shape for awhile.  That's painful but not the loss of limb pain I was expecting.  So I am going to go to the initial surgical consult and find out what they think and if I am still a candidate after they speak with my insurance company. 

I will update more later. 

On a more personal note, we had a nice vacation.  There was a day or two there where I felt like we were camping on the surface of the sun, but we survived.  Going back to work was bitter sweet.  I have a lot of work to do to get my room back in order.  However, everything was changed when I came back.  One of our teachers had been made a floater and we were laying people off because we can't make payroll.  We are in serious financial trouble.  I don't know how long we are going to be able to stay open.  Honestly, part of me isn't sad about that.  I have felt for a long time that I needed a new job, but I am so attached to "my room" and how I have made it mine throughout the years that I am reluctant to leave and start a new job somewhere unfamiliar.  I just pray that the lord helps us through this and we can hold on to our facility.

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