Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hoops and Hopes

So I promised to tell you about my journey on the bariatric front.  Since I made my initial visit to the surgeon I have had multiple rounds of blood work.  My nutritionist and my PCP have been trying to figure out if I should have medicine for a mild thyriod condition or not.  My NUT says yes, my PCP said no.  Finally after 3 months, I am now taking Levothyroxine for my thyroid condition. 

One of the required tests was an abdominal ultrasound.  This is where you take off all your clothes and put on a hospital gown.  Then the technician takes you in and has you lay on a table.  She then takes the ultrasound machine and proceeds to push the wand through your body (it feels like it anyway) to look at all your organs.  I also had to get a full blood panel taken. 

Another test the require is a sleep study.  My doctor was hilarious!  He was so flamboyant.  He had me do an at home sleep study first.  When the results from that came in he told me it showed moderate sleep apnea.  He then sent me to the hospital to do a cpap titration which is where they watch you sleep with forced air and without.  I did excellent on this.  Since I'm going through the program I have to have it treated.  If I wasn't going to have surgery, I would not need a CPAP. 

I have went through psych visits and have another coming up.  This is to make sure I'm emotionally ready for surgery.  This past week I went in for classes to learn how to eat, excersize and live the lifestyle.  I'm sooo ready for this to be over and have the surgery done. 

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