Monday, December 31, 2012

Everything has to have an end. To me I hate leaving things undone.  Especially if i'm reading a book or watching a series of movies.  It's almost like an obsession until it's finished.  This path to surgery has started to feel the same.  At times It feels like it will never get here and I'm never going to know how this journey ends.  Part of me is terrified I will have went through all of this and the insurance company will deny my application. I am trying very hard to stay positive but i'm having a very hard time doing that.  Time is going soooo slow!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

What a day this has started out to be. No one wanted to work this morning. I didn't either, but at least I didn't try to call out.  If everyone would have succeeded in calling out, I would have been alone.

Kim (My Best Friend in VA) woke up in the middle of the night. Her daughter was throwing up. Kimber told her she had to come anyway. Kim is pissed now because Kimber is letting others go home early, but not her. I'm trying to stay out of that one.

It's hard being the boss and being friends with your employees and your boss. Kimber and I were friends when she was a teacher and I was her aide. Kimber and I got promoted at the same time.  She became second in command.  I became a teacher.

A year later, I got promoted again to supervisor.Over this summer (a few years after my promotion) our world exploded and they got rid of our boss. She was a bit of a tyrant and never at work. We never saw it coming. Kimber got promoted again. Now she's the boss.Kim started working for us. I'm friends with her.
She's now 3rd in command, I'm second and Kimber first. Kim and Kimber are NOT friends. I have a headache.

Anyway, I'm at work.  Getting classroom Ideas.  I am rearranging my room. Better get back to work. I'm sure I'll write more later.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Yesterday was over all a good Christmas. 
I got a little upset about not having any presents to open. 
It was stupid to be upset. 
I was the only person in the house not to open a present, but it's not like I didn't get anything.
I got a 100.00 gift card for Jason and I to cracker barrel. 
I finally talked myself down from being upset. 
I mean some people lost their houses yesterday. 
I still have a roof over my head. 
Also, a boy from my hometown died yesterday.  He had some viral infection.
How scary is that?
We had a snow day today.
It started snowing at around 5:15 this morning.
At first we were just going to delay.
The roads kept getting worse and worse. 
We had a parent that complained because we were closed.
She said she was very upset. 
We are a childcare. This is just unbelieveable.
Uhh no, we are a preschool. 
Also if the roads are bad and someone dies who is responsible?
I understand that her job doesn't shut down because of snow.
However, we have to think of safety. 
It says in our policy that we close on days that it snows.
She's just being a bully.
As usual.
Jason might not get to come home for a few days. 
Especially if the snow keeps up.
Thank God for snow days.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

other blogs

I think I am addicted to reading bariatric blogs.
Their stories are so inspirational. 
I also decided that instead of trying to be gramatically correct I am going to write as I think it.
This might mean a lot of entering and spacing.
So today is Christmas Day.  We haven't really done much.
We dipped our candy in chocolate yesterday.
Today we are all being lazy and watching tv.
I have been reading a blog of someone who had gastric bypass.
After she lost her goal weight, so got pregnant! 
I have wanted to be a mommy since Jason and I got married.
11 years of wishing and hoping.
I was hoping my new medicine would help me get pregnant.
I want to wait until after surgery now. 
I don't want to be unhealthy and have an unhealthy baby.
30 years old having a baby?
I can only hope! 

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

This Christmas is going to be different than any I have ever had before.  First and foremost because of the economy.  We struggled to get the few presents we bought.  Jason and I decided that we wouldn't buy anything this year.  This will be the first year in my life that I will not get a present.  It's not about presents though,  it's more about watching the nieces and nephews open their presents.  The second reason it will be different is because I'm thinking about how this will hopefully be the last year that I am "the old me". 

I have made a commitment to myself for the beginning of the year.  I'm going to take the diet I will have after surgery (when I can eat solid foods again) and start using that a guide so I can get used to it ahead of time.  I don't want this whole process to be a shock to my system.  I so want this to be sucessful.  I often find that I don't think about the surgery itself.  Just the after.  I have never had any sort of surgery before (thank god) so I am a little nervous and I try not to think about it.  I wonder if this is healthy?  I could look at it as if I am just so ready to start my new life that I'm not sweating the surgery itself or I could look at it like I'm in denial and don't want to face the possible pain. 

Something that has been on my mind a lot is my family.  I haven't told any of them what I have been going through.  I haven't told any of them about my decision to have surgery.  I have always been afraid of what they would think about every decision I have ever made.  This is too important for me to take the risk.  The closer I get though, the more I desire to tell them.  They live 1500 miles away and they don't get to see me except on facebook.  I keep thinking that maybe I will just write a letter to a few of them and let them know.  I could explain to them my reasons behind the decision and the research that I have done.  I just don't know what to do. 

On the plus side I am feeling much better with the medicine than I have been without it.  I am so ready to get on the path to my new life.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Hoops and Hopes

So I promised to tell you about my journey on the bariatric front.  Since I made my initial visit to the surgeon I have had multiple rounds of blood work.  My nutritionist and my PCP have been trying to figure out if I should have medicine for a mild thyriod condition or not.  My NUT says yes, my PCP said no.  Finally after 3 months, I am now taking Levothyroxine for my thyroid condition. 

One of the required tests was an abdominal ultrasound.  This is where you take off all your clothes and put on a hospital gown.  Then the technician takes you in and has you lay on a table.  She then takes the ultrasound machine and proceeds to push the wand through your body (it feels like it anyway) to look at all your organs.  I also had to get a full blood panel taken. 

Another test the require is a sleep study.  My doctor was hilarious!  He was so flamboyant.  He had me do an at home sleep study first.  When the results from that came in he told me it showed moderate sleep apnea.  He then sent me to the hospital to do a cpap titration which is where they watch you sleep with forced air and without.  I did excellent on this.  Since I'm going through the program I have to have it treated.  If I wasn't going to have surgery, I would not need a CPAP. 

I have went through psych visits and have another coming up.  This is to make sure I'm emotionally ready for surgery.  This past week I went in for classes to learn how to eat, excersize and live the lifestyle.  I'm sooo ready for this to be over and have the surgery done. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sometimes I have to remind myself to take a deep breath and relax!  My final assignments were due in my classes and of course blackboard chose that moment to go down!  I was told to e-mail them so of course I did!  I check my grades only to find a big giant F staring back at me.  I had to tell myself NOT to have a panic attack.  I e-mailed and called my instructor.  It did no good.  She didn't answer and hasn't emailed back.  Of course grades are due today and I can't imagine that I got to her in time.  I'm sure she's one of those people (unlike me) who are always on top of things and do things early.  I guess this is really my fault . I shouldn't wait until the last minute for everything!!  So I probably failed this class.  That means that my GPA will tank and it will probably take me until graduation to get it back up.  Guess who has to really buckle down and get going on classes?  Yep...ME!

On the bariatric front, I have been jumping through hoops the last few months.  I have had appointments with the psychologist, abdominal ultrasounds, 2 sleep studies, lots of blood work, and gotten all sorts of medications!  UGH.

I will post more on that later!